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Featured Stories Successfully Set!
You have successfully set the featured stories
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Your story has been submitted and will be processed by a moderator.
We will notify you when your story is uploaded.
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Your account has been created!
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Story Approval Success
You have approved this story.
Update Privileges Success
The User's Privileges Have Been Updated!
User Banned Successfully
The selected user has now been banned.
User Un-Banned Successfully
The selected user has now been un-banned, and has received normal user privileges.
Story Rejection Success
You have rejected this story.
Profile Updated!
You have successfully updated your profile details.
Account Updated!
You have successfully updated your account details.
Password Updated!
You have successfully updated your password.
Story Deleted Successfully
You have successfully deleted this story.
User Deleted Successfully
You have successfully deleted this user.
User Deletion Un-Successful
You aren't able to delete a user of this user type!
Story Updated Successfully!
Your story has been submitted and will be processed by a moderator.
We will notify you when your story is uploaded.
Page Access Denied
Please log in to continue using our website.
Create Story Fail
You have submitted too many stories in a short amount of time!